Monkeypatching support

Evergreen supports monkeypatching certain modules to make them cooperative. By monkeypatching, some modules which block are replaced with API compatible versions which cooperatively yield.

While evergreen doesn’t encourage this practice, because it leads to unexpected behavior depending on how modules are used, limited support is provided for some common modules:

  • socket
  • select
  • time

This module provides several functions to monkeypatch modules.


Globally patches the given modules to make them cooperative. Example:

import evergreen.patcher

patcher.patch(socket=True, select=True, time=True)

Returns true if the given module is currently monkeypatched, false otherwise. Module can be either the module object or its name.

evergreen.patcher.import_patched(module, **additional_modules)

Imports a module and ensures that it uses the cooperative versions of the specified modules, or all of the supported ones in case no additional_modules is supplied. Example:

import evergreen.patcher

SocketServer = patcher.import_patched('SocketServer')

Returns an un-patched version of a module.

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